
Mastering PostgreSQL 10

PostgreSQL is an open source database used for handling large datasets (big data) and as a JSON document database. This book highlights the newly introduced features in PostgreSQL 10, and shows you how you can build better PostgreSQL applications, and administer your PostgreSQL database more efficiently.

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Who Is This Book For?

If you are a PostgreSQL data architect or an administrator and want to understand how to implement advanced functionalities and master complex administrative tasks with PostgreSQL 10, then this book is perfect for you. Prior experience of administrating a PostgreSQL database and a working knowledge of SQL are required to make the best use of this book.

Book content

chapters 14h16m total length

PostgreSQL Overview

Understanding Transactions and Locking

Making Use of Indexes

Handling Advanced SQL

Log Files and System Statistics

Optimizing Queries for Good Performance

Writing Stored Procedures

Managing PostgreSQL Security

Handling Backup and Recovery

Making Sense of Backups and Replication

Deciding on Useful Extensions

Troubleshooting PostgreSQL

Migrating to PostgreSQL

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