
Mastering Python

This book delves into the advanced features of the Python programming language and teaches you how they can be utilized to write powerful Python code and packages

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About Book

Who Is This Book For?

This book will benefit more experienced Python programmers who wish to upskill, serving as a reference for best practices and some of the more intricate Python techniques. Even if you have been using Python for years, chances are that you haven’t yet encountered every topic discussed in this book. A good understanding of Python programming is necessary

Book content

chapters 23h40m total length

Getting Started – One Environment per Project

Interactive Python Interpreters

Pythonic Syntax and Common Pitfalls

Pythonic Design Patterns

Functional Programming – Readability Versus Brevity

Decorators – Enabling Code Reuse by Decorating

Generators and Coroutines – Infinity, One Step at a Time

Metaclasses – Making Classes (Not Instances) Smarter

Documentation – How to Use Sphinx and reStructuredText

Testing and Logging – Preparing for Bugs

Debugging – Solving the Bugs

Performance – Tracking and Reducing Your Memory and CPU Usage

asyncio – Multithreading without Threads

Multiprocessing – When a Single CPU Core Is Not Enough

Scientific Python and Plotting

Artificial Intelligence

Extensions in C/C++, System Calls, and C/C++ Libraries

Packaging – Creating Your Own Libraries or Applications

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