
Mastering Spring Boot 2.0

Spring is one of the best frameworks on the market for developing web, enterprise, and cloud-ready software. Spring Boot simplifies building complex software dramatically by reducing the amount of boilerplate code, providing production-ready features and a simple deployment model.

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Who Is This Book For?

The book is targeted at experienced Spring and Java developers who have a basic knowledge of working with Spring Boot. The reader should be familiar with Spring Boot basics, and aware of its benefits over traditional Spring Framework-based applications.

Book content

chapters 13h total length

Getting Started with Spring Boot 2.0

Customizing Auto-Configuration in Spring Boot Application

Getting Started with Spring CLI and Actuator

Getting Started with Spring Cloud and Configuration

Spring Cloud Netflix and Service Discovery

Building Spring Boot Restful Microservice

Creating API Gateway with Netflix Zuul Proxy

Simplify HTTP API with Feign Client

Building Event-Driven & Asynchronous Reactive Systems

Build Resilient Systems using Hystrix and Turbine

Testing Spring Boot Application

Containerizing Microservice

API Management

Deploying in Cloud (AWS)

Production Ready Service Monitoring and Best Practices

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