
Metasploit for Beginners

Metasploit for Beginners will provide a good starting point to perform penetration testing and identify threats and vulnerabilities to secure your IT environment. This book would help the reader absorb the essential concepts on using Metasploit framework for comprehensive penetration testing. By the end of the book, the reader would feel confident on having gained sufficient hands-on knowledge on effectively utilizing the framework in real world scenarios.

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About Book

Who Is This Book For?

If you are a penetration tester, ethical hacker, or security consultant who wants to quickly learn the Metasploit framework to carry out elementary penetration testing in highly secured environments then, this book is for you.

Book content

chapters 6h20m total length

Introduction to Metasploit & Supporting Tools

Setting up your environment

Metasploit Components and Environment Configuration

Information Gathering with Metasploit

Vulnerability hunting with Metasploit

Client Side attacks with Metasploit

Web Application Scanning with Metasploit

Anti-Virus Evasion and Anti-Forensics

Cyber Attack Management using Armitage

Extending Metasploit & Exploit Development

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