
Modern C++ Programming Cookbook

Modern C++ Programming Cookbook, Second Edition steps up your C++ knowledge by deep-diving into the most important language and library features, including containers, algorithms, regular expressions, threads, and more. This edition comes updated with new recipes on core C++20 features, including modules, concepts, and coroutines, and C++20 library features, such as ranges, the formatting library, the date library, and the thread support library.

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About Book

Who Is This Book For?

The book is designed for entry- or medium-level C++ programmers who have a basic knowledge of C++ and want to master the language and become prolific modern C++ developers. Experienced C++ programmers can leverage this book to strengthen their command of C++ and find a good reference to many language and library features of C++11/14/17/20.

Book content

chapters 25h total length

Learning Modern Core Language Features

Working with Numbers and Strings

Exploring Functions

Preprocessing and Compilation

Standard Library Containers, Algorithms, and Iterators

General-Purpose Utilities

Working with Files and Streams

Leveraging Threading and Concurrency

Robustness and Performance

Implementing Patterns and Idioms

Exploring Testing Frameworks

C++20 Core Features

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