
Modern Scala Projects

Scala is a multipurpose programming language, especially for analyzing large datasets without impacting the application performance. Its functional libraries can interact with databases and build scalable frameworks that create robust data pipelines. This book showcases how you can use Scala and its constructs to meet specific project demands.

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Who Is This Book For?

If you’re a Scala developer looking to gain hands-on experience building some interesting real-world projects, this book is for you. Prior programming experience with Scala is necessary to understand the concepts covered in this book.

Book content

chapters 11h8m total length

Predict the class of a flower from the Iris Dataset

Build a Breast Cancer Prognosis Pipeline with the Power of Spark and Scala

Stock Price Predictions

Build a Spam Classification Pipeline

Build a fraud detection System

Build Flights Performance Prediction Model

Building a Recommendation Engine

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