
MySQL 8 for Big Data

MySQL is one of the most popular relational databases in the world today, and has become a popular choice of tool to handle vast amounts of structured data - that is, structured Big Data. This book will demonstrate how you can dabble with large amounts of data using MySQL 8. It also highlights topics such as integrating MySQL 8 and a Big Data solution like Apache Hadoop using different tools like Apache Sqoop and MySQL Applier. With practical examples and use-cases, you will get a better clarity on how you can leverage the offerings of MySQL 8 to build a robust Big Data solution.

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Who Is This Book For?

This book is intended for MySQL database administrators and Big Data professionals looking to integrate MySQL 8 and Hadoop to implement a high performance Big Data solution. Some previous experience with MySQL will be helpful, although the book will highlight the newer features introduced in MySQL 8.

Book content

chapters 9h52m total length

Introduction to Big Data & MySQL 8

Data query techniques in MySQL8

Indexing your data for high performing query

Using Memcached with MySQL8

Partitioning High Volume Data

Using Replication for building highly available solution

MySQL 8 Best Practices

NoSQL API for Integrating with Big Data Solutions

Apache Sqoop for Exchanging Data between Mysql and Hadoop

Realtime event processing using MySQL applier

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