NativeScript for Angular Mobile Development
NativeScript is an open source framework to build truly native mobile apps with Angular, TypeScript, or even good ole’ plain JavaScript. The most important aspect is that it allows your views to be rendered as real native UI components “native” to iOS or Android, which offer superior performance with fluid usability. This decoupling of the view rendering layer created the powerful combination that is the exciting new world of Angular Native. This book focuses on the key concepts you need to know to build an Angular Native mobile app for iOS and Android.
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Who Is This Book For?
This book assumes you have a general understanding of TypeScript, have heard of NativeScript and know what it's about, and are familiar with Angular (2.0). You don't need to be an expert in any of these technologies, but having some sense of them before reading is recommended this book, which is ideal for intermediate to advanced users.
NativeScript for Angular Mobile Development
- About Book
- Who Is This Book For?
- Book Content
Book content
chapters • 13h4m total length
Get into shape with @NgModule
Feature Modules
Our first view via Component Building
A prettier view with css
Routing and Lazy Loading
Run the app on iOS and Android
Building the multi-track player
Building an audio recorder
Empowering your views
@ngrx/store + @ngrx/effects for state management
Polish with SASS
Unit testing
Integration/E2E Testing with Appium
Webpack bundling
Deploying to the Apple App Store
Deploying to Google Play
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