
Offensive Shellcode from Scratch

Shellcode is code that is used to execute a command within software memory to take control of or exploit a target computer. Offensive Shellcode from Scratch helps you to understand what shellcode is, along with its components, the tools used to build shellcode, and how shellcode can be used within Linux and Windows.

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About Book

Who Is This Book For?

This book is for red teamers, penetration testers, and anyone looking to learn about shellcode and find out how it is used to break into systems by making use of simple to complex instructions of code in memory. Basic shellcode knowledge is helpful but not mandatory to understand the topics covered in this book.

Book content

chapters 6h56m total length

The Ins and Outs of shellcode

Assembly Language

Shellcode Tools and Resources

Developing Shellcode for Windows

Developing Shellcode for Linux

Countermeasures and Bypasses

Related Resources

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