
OpenCV 4 Computer Vision Application Programming Cookbook

This book will present a variety of CV algorithms using the standard library. It will implement any shortfall that might come in CV by practicing the recipes that implement various tasks such as image processing and object recognition among others. It will help you in implementing CV algorithms to meet the technical requirement of your projects.

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About Book

Who Is This Book For?

If you’re a CV developer or professional who already uses or would like to use OpenCV for building computer vision software, this book is for you. You’ll also find this book useful if you’re a C++ programmer looking to extend your computer vision skillset by learning OpenCV.

Book content

chapters 16h28m total length

Playing with Images

Manipulating the Pixels

Processing Color Images with Classes

Counting the Pixels with Histograms

Transforming Images with Morphological Operations

Filtering the Images

Extracting Lines, Contours, and Components

Detecting Interest Points

Describing and Matching Interest Points

Estimating Projective Relations in Images

Reconstructing 3D Scenes

Processing Video Sequences

Tracking Visual Motion

Learning from Examples

OpenCV Advanced Features

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