
Pentaho Data Integration Beginner's Guide

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About Book

Who Is This Book For?

This book is a must-have for software developers, database administrators, IT students, and everyone involved or interested in developing ETL solutions, or, more generally, doing any kind of data manipulation. Those who have never used Pentaho Data Integration will benefit most from the book, but those who have, they will also find it useful. This book is also a good starting point for database administrators, data warehouse designers, architects, or anyone who is responsible for data warehouse projects and needs to load data into them.

Book content

chapters 16h44m total length

Getting started with Pentaho Data Integration

Getting Started with Transformations

Manipulating real-world data

Filtering, searching, and other useful operations with data

Controlling the Flow of Data

Transforming Your Data by Coding with JavaScript Code and the JavaScript Step

Transforming the Row Set

Working with Databases

Performing Advanced Operations with Databases

Creating Basic Task Flows

Creating Advanced Transformations and Jobs

Developing and Implementing a Simple Datamart

Appendix: Working with Repositories

Appendix: Pan and Kitchen: Launching Transformations and Jobs from the Command Line

Appendix: Quick reference: Steps and Job Entries

Appendix: Spoon Shortcuts

Appendix: Introducing PDI 5 Features

Appendix: Best Practices

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