
Practical Hardware Pentesting

Hardware security has become a major concern in recent times making it crucial for companies and end users to focus on protecting hardware. If you’re a security practitioner who is more familiar with software and binary hacking or someone looking to repurpose devices, this book will demonstrate how to approach hardware hacking of embedded devices.

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Who Is This Book For?

If you’re a researcher or a security professional who wants a comprehensive introduction into hardware security assessment, then this book is for you. Electrical engineers who want to understand the vulnerabilities of their devices and design them with security in mind will also find this book useful. You won’t need any prior knowledge with hardware pentensting before you get started; everything you need is in the chapters.

Book content

chapters 12h44m total length

Setting Up Your Pentesting Lab and Ensuring Lab Safety

Understanding Your Target

Identifying the Components of Your Target

Approaching and Planning the Test

Our Main Attack Platform

Sniffing and Attacking the Most Common Protocols

Extracting and Manipulating Onboard Storage

Attacking Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and BLE

Software-Defined Radio Attacks

Accessing the Debug Interfaces

Static Reverse Engineering and Analysis

Dynamic Reverse Engineering

Scoring and Reporting Your Vulnerabilities

Wrapping It Up – Mitigations and Good Practices

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