
Practical Machine Learning

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About Book

Who Is This Book For?

This book has been created for data scientists who want to see machine learning in action and explore its real-world application. With guidance on everything from the fundamentals of machine learning and predictive analytics to the latest innovations set to lead the big data revolution into the future, this is an unmissable resource for anyone dedicated to tackling current big data challenges. Knowledge of programming (Python and R) and mathematics is advisable if you want to get started immediately.

Book content

chapters 15h36m total length

Introduction to Machine learning

Context of Large datasets for Machine learning

Hadoop as a Machine learning platform

ML tools and frameworks (R, Mahout, Julia, Spark and Python)

Decision Tree learning methods

Instance based & Kernel learning methods (KNN and SVM)

Association rule based learning methods (Apriori& FP-growth)

Clustering based learning methods (K-means)

Supervised & Unsupervised Learning: Linear Methods

Unsupervised Learning: Clustering Methods

Deep Learning Methods

Reinforcement learning

Summary of all the large scale machine learning frameworks and tools

Looking Ahead: Lamda Architectures, Polyglot Persistence and Semantic Data Platforms for Machine Learning

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