
Practical Mobile Forensics

Covering up-to-date mobile platforms, this book focuses on teaching you the most recent tools and techniques for investigating mobile devices. Readers will delve into a variety of mobile forensics techniques for iOS 11-13, Android 8-10 devices, and Windows 10.

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About Book

Who Is This Book For?

This book is for forensic examiners with basic experience in mobile forensics or open source solutions for mobile forensics. Computer security professionals, researchers or anyone looking to gain a deeper understanding of mobile internals will also find this book useful. Some understanding of digital forensic practices will be helpful to grasp the concepts covered in the book more effectively.

Book content

chapters 13h20m total length

Introduction to Mobile Forensics

Understanding the Internals of iOS Devices

Data Acquisition from iOS Devices

Data Acquisition from iOS Backups

iOS Data Analysis and Recovery

iOS Forensic Tools

Understanding Android

Android Forensic Setup and Pre-Data Extraction Techniques

Android Data Extraction Techniques

Android Data Analysis and Recovery

Android App Analysis, Malware, and Reverse Engineering

Windows Phone Forensics

Parsing Third-Party Application Files

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