
Practical Predictive Analytics

This book teaches six specific steps needed to implement predictive analytics using R. It also teaches how team collaboration is critical and how it increases the chances of implementing a successful model. The book uses cases from healthcare, marketing, and government to build practical skills. Big Data is also covered, in this book, which will extend your skill sets by learning Databricks and RSpark.

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Who Is This Book For?

This book is for those with a mathematical/statistics background who wish to understand the concepts, techniques, and implementation of predictive analytics to resolve complex analytical issues. Basic familiarity with a programming language of R is expected.

Book content

chapters 19h12m total length

Getting Started with Predictive Analytics

The Modeling process

Inputting and Exploring Data

Introduction to Basic Algorithms

Introduction to Decision trees, Clustering, and SVM

Using Survival Analysis to Predict and Analyze Customer Churn

Using Market Basket Analysis as a Recommender Engine

Exploring Health Care Enrollment Data as a Time Series

Introduction to Spark Using R

Exploring Large Datasets Using Spark

Spark Machine Learning – Regression and Cluster Models

Spark Models – Rule-Based Learning

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