
Python Automation Cookbook

Using a problem-solution-based approach, we'll show how you can automate all the boring stuff and let your computer do it for you instead of using the Python programming language. By the end of the book, you will have learned to identify problems and correct them to produce superior and reliable systems

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Who Is This Book For?

The Python Automation Cookbook is for you if you are a developer or anyone who wants to automate monotonous manual tasks related to fields such as finance, sales, and HR, among others.

Book content

chapters 13h16m total length

Let Us Begin Our Automation Journey

Automating Tasks Made Easy

Building Your First Web Scraping Application

Searching and Reading Local Files

Generating Fantastic Reports

Fun with Spreadsheets

Developing Stunning Graphs

Dealing with Communication Channels

Why Not Automate Your Marketing Campaign?

Debugging Techniques

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