
Python Ethical Hacking from Scratch

Get hands-on with practical ethical hacking from scratch using Python. With the help of step-by-step instructions and practical exercises, you'll develop tools that provide detailed insights into the ethical hacking thought process. This book also covers aspects of network and system hacking along with defense techniques.

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Who Is This Book For?

If you want to learn ethical hacking by developing your own tools instead of just using the prebuilt tools, this book is for you. A solid understanding of fundamental Python concepts is expected. Some complex Python concepts are explained in the book, but the goal is to teach ethical hacking, not Python.

Book content

chapters 7h8m total length

Introduction and What it means to be a hacker

Getting started - Setting up lab environment and tools required

Reconnaissance and information gathering

Network scanning - Discovering targets

Network attacks - Man in the middle attack

Malware development - Creating your own malware

Advanced malware

Post exploitation

Protection - How to avoid detection

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