
Python Network Programming Cookbook

Python is an excellent language to use to write code and have fun by prototyping applications quickly. The presence of lots of third-party libraries, also known as batteries, makes it easier and faster to prototype an application or to implement a new algorithm. If you are interested in creating the building blocks for many practical web and networking applications that rely on networking protocols, then this book is a must-have. This book employs Python for network programming to solve a variety of problems.

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About Book

Who Is This Book For?

This book is for network engineers, system/network administrators, network programmers, and even web application developers who want to solve everyday network-related problems. If you are a novice, you will develop an understanding of the concepts as you progress with this book.

Book content

chapters 15h total length

Sockets, IPv4, and Simple Client/Server Programming

Multiplexing Socket I/O for Better Performance

IPv6, Unix Domain Sockets, and Network Interfaces

Programming with HTTP for the Internet

E-mail Protocols, FTP, and CGI Programming

Programming Across Machine Boundaries

Working with Web Services – XML-RPC, SOAP, and REST

Network Monitoring and Security

Network Modelling

Getting Started with SDN

Authentication, Authorization and Accounting

Vendor Specific SDN Programming (Cisco, Juniper, VMware)

NFV and Orchestration: A larger eco system

Programming the Internet

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