
RabbitMQ Essentials

The experts at CloudAMQP, managers of the largest fleet of RabbitMQ clusters in the world, have written this comprehensive guide on message queue architecture. From the basics to production, this book provides a deep understanding of RabbitMQ through the experience of Complete Car, a taxi company building its app from the ground up.

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About Book

Who Is This Book For?

If you are a professional enterprise developer or someone who just codes for fun, RabbitMQ Essentials is a valuable resource on open-source message queue architecture. Even those already familiar with microservices and messaging will discover value in reading this book for an exploration of moving forward with best practices and resource efficiency. This book will give you the push you need to get started with creating new and exciting applications or migrating existing monoliths to a microservice architecture.

Book content

chapters 5h8m total length

A Rabbit Springs to Life

Creating a Taxi Application

Send Messages to Multiple Drivers

Tweaking Message Delivery

Message Routing

Taking RabbitMQ to Production

Best Practices and Broker Monitoring

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