
React Key Concepts

React Key Concepts is the ideal tool for anyone who wants to consolidate their understanding of React. Whether you're an experienced JavaScript developer wanting to expand your skillset or just looking to identify and fill the gaps in your knowledge of React, this book is a perfect easy-reference guide to quickly get you up and running.

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About Book

Who Is This Book For?

This React book is for developers who have prior experience with, or who are currently learning, the basics of React. You can use this book as a standalone resource to consolidate your understanding or as a companion guide to a more in-depth course. To get the most value from this book, you should have a basic understanding of the fundamentals of JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.

Book content

chapters 19h40m total length

React – What and Why

Understanding React Components and JSX

Components and Props

Working with Events and State

Rendering Lists and Conditional Content

Styling React Apps

Portals and Refs

Handling Side Effects

Behind the Scenes of React and Optimization Opportunities

Working With Complex State

Building Custom React Hooks

Multipage Apps with React Router

Managing Data with React Router

Next Steps and Further Resources

Related Resources

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