
React Native By Example

React Native is gaining massive popularity in the world of app development with its ability to build native apps using JavaScript. Developers now have the luxury to create incredible mobile experiences that look and feel native to their platforms using the comfort of a well-known language and the popular React JS library. This book allows you to build your own native mobile applications for the iOS and Android platforms with the benefits of a native mobile experience while leveraging the finesse and simplicity of JavaScript and React.

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About Book

Who Is This Book For?

If you are keen on learning to use the revolutionary mobile development tool React Native to build native mobile applications, then this book is for you. Prior experience with JavaScript would be useful.

Book content

chapters 13h48m total length

First Project: Todo App

Advanced Styling And Going Further With Todo App

Second Project, Chat Client with Websockets

Adding Redux to the Chat Client

Third Project: The Facebook Client

Third Project, Twitter Client

Even More Twitter Functionality

Deploying Your Application

Updating Applications With CodePush

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