
Reinforcement Learning Algorithms with Python

With this book, you will understand the core concepts and techniques of reinforcement learning. You will take a look into each RL algorithm and will develop your own self-learning algorithms and models. You will optimize the algorithms for better precision, use high-speed actions and lower the risk of anomalies in your applications.

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Who Is This Book For?

If you are an AI researcher, deep learning user, or anyone who wants to learn reinforcement learning from scratch, this book is for you. You’ll also find this reinforcement learning book useful if you want to learn about the advancements in the field. Working knowledge of Python is necessary.

Book content

chapters 12h12m total length

The Landscape of Reinforcement Learning

Implementing RL Cycle and OpenAI Gym

Solving Problems with Dynamic Programming

Q learning and SARSA Applications

Deep Q-Network

Learning Stochastic and DDPG optimization

TRPO and PPO implementation

DDPG and TD3 Applications

Model-Based RL

Imitation Learning with the DAgger Algorithm

Understanding Black-Box Optimization Algorithms

Developing the ESBAS Algorithm

Practical Implementation for Resolving RL Challenges

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