
Reinforcement Learning with TensorFlow

Reinforcement learning allows you to develop intelligent, self-learning systems. This book shows you how to put the concepts of Reinforcement Learning to train efficient models.You will use popular reinforcement learning algorithms to implement use-cases in image processing and NLP, by combining the power of TensorFlow and OpenAI Gym.

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Who Is This Book For?

If you want to get started with reinforcement learning using TensorFlow in the most practical way, this book will be a useful resource. The book assumes prior knowledge of machine learning and neural network programming concepts, as well as some understanding of the TensorFlow framework. No previous experience of reinforcement learning is required.

Book content

chapters 11h8m total length

Deep Learning –Architectures and Frameworks

Training Reinforcement Learning Agents Using OpenAI Gym

Markov Decision Process (MDP)

Policy Gradients

Q-Learning & Deep Q Networks

Asynchronous Methods

Robo Everything – Real Strategy Gaming

AlphaGo – Reinforcement learning at it’s Best

Reinforcement Learning in Autonomous Driving

Financial Portfolio Management

Reinforcement Learning in Robotics

Deep Reinforcement Learning in AdTech

Reinforcement Learning in Image Processing

Deep Reinforcement Learning in NLP

Appendix 1.Further topics in Reinforcement Learning

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