
Rust Web Development with Rocket

This book explores the full range of Rocket framework features for creating impressively quick web applications impressively quickly. By unlocking and helping you harness the power of Rust in a practical, no-nonsense way, Rust Web Development with Rocket will have you up and running with Rocket-based web development in no time.

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About Book

Who Is This Book For?

This web development book is for software engineers who want to learn how to use the Rocket framework to build web applications. Although not mandatory, basic knowledge of the Rust programming language will help you understand the topics covered easily.

Book content

chapters 14h total length

Introducing the Rust Language

Building Our First Rocket Web Application

Rocket Requests and Responses

Building, Igniting, and Launching Rocket

Designing a User-Generated Application

Implementing User CRUD

Handling Errors in Rust and Rocket

Serving Static Assets and Templates

Displaying Users' Post

Uploading and Processing Posts

Securing and Adding an API and JSON

Testing Your Application

Launching a Rocket Application

Building a Full Stack Application

Improving the Rocket Application

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