
Security with Go

Since Go has become enormously popular, Go's obvious advantages, like stability, speed and simplicity, make it a first class choice to develop security-oriented scripts and applications. Security with Go is a classical title for security developers, with its emphasis on Go. Based on John Leon's first mover experience, He starts out basic forensics and intrusion detection, and then switches tack from defense to attack, for example brute force attacks and host discovery. In all, this title enables you to use Go for all your security-related tasks.

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About Book

Who Is This Book For?

Security with Go is aimed at developers with basics in Go to the level that they can write their own scripts and small programs without difficulty. Readers should be familiar with security concepts, and familiarity with Python security applications and libraries is an advantage, but not a necessity.

Book content

chapters 11h20m total length

Introduction to Security with Go

The Go Programming Language

Working with Files


Packet Capturing and Injection


Secure Shell (SSH)

Brute Force

Web Applications

Web Scrapping

Host Discovery and Enumeration

Social Engineering

Post Exploitation


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