
The Complete Guide to Node.js

We will be covering how to use Node.js to build websites. This course will focus primarily on Express as the framework that the website will be built in. In addition to Express, we will cover using Redis and to make more robust and dynamic sites. Many courses only focus on one of these, but this course will cover all of them. By the end of this course the reader will be able to build applications using Express, Redis, and Express helps by making full featured web applications easy, if you know how. Redis opens doors by making data quick and easy to fetch. Many sites have used Redis to make difficult data problems easy. Lastly makes two way communication between the browser and web application easy. If you have every needed to build something that was real-time than is what you want to use.

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Who Is This Course For?

This is for anyone who has programmed before, but has never used Node.js. Also great for anyone that has used Node.js but never tried Redis or The assumption is that the viewer is familiar with JavaScript. We will not spend any time on discussing features of the language. The reader should also have some knowledge of websites and how HTTP works. This does not have to be in-depth knowledge.

Course content

lessons 4h47m total length

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