
The TypeScript Workshop

Kickstart your learning with this hands-on guide to programming with TypeScript. By learning how to quickly transition from JavaScript, leverage features such as types and decorators, and incorporate React with TypeScript, you can gain new skills, advance your knowledge, and make some new additions to your software development toolkit.

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About Book

Who Is This Book For?

The TypeScript Workshop is for software developers who want to broaden their skill set by learning the TypeScript programming language. To get the most from this TypeScript book, you should have basic knowledge of JavaScript or experience using another similar programming language.

Book content

chapters 23h48m total length

TypeScript Fundamentals

Declaration Files


Classes and Objects

Interfaces and Inheritance

Advanced Types


Dependency Injection in TypeScript

Generics and Conditional Types

Event Loop and Asynchronous Behavior

Higher-Order Functions and Callbacks

Guide to Promises in TypeScript

Async/Await in TypeScript

TypeScript and React

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