Top 10 E-Learning Challenges

3 Apr 2024
18 min read
Top 10 E-Learning Challenges

Top 10 E-Learning Challenges in 2024

E-learning, also known as online learning or distance education, refers to the delivery of educational content and instruction via digital platforms and the Internet. 

As per a recent statistic, in 2023, about 70% of students agreed that online classes are better than traditional classroom settings.

But is it always rosy? Is e-learning better than traditional learning?

The challenges faced by students in e-learning are significant. For instance, a study in Malaysia revealed that 67.78% of the challenges faced by students in higher education are represented by six key components related to e-learning. These are:

  1. Lack of motivation
  2. Technical difficulties
  3. Feelings of isolation
  4. Distractions
  5. Lack of clarity
  6. Absence of timely feedback

In this discussion, let’s explore the top 10 e-learning challenges of 2024 in-depth and understand how they can be overcome. Let’s get started.

Top 10 E-learning Challenges and Their Solutions

E-learning has revolutionized the way education and other industries work. It has successfully connected learners with the best teachers across the globe.

The global e-learning market is projected to approach $400 billion by 2026, nearly doubling its size from almost $200 billion in 2019. During the same period, the learning management system market amassed around $18 billion in revenue. Now learners are not required to relocate or have to travel long distances to attend classes. Despite the convenience of learning from the comfort of one's home, e-learning is not without its limitations. 

Let's explore the Top 10 e-learning challenges:

Challenge 1: Accessibility Issues

One of the primary concerns in e-learning is ensuring accessibility for all learners, including those with disabilities. Several issues create barriers to learning, which include:

  • Inaccessible content
  • Lack of alternative formats
  • Incompatible technology

How to Overcome?

  • The educators and e-learning platforms must adopt inclusive design principles to address accessibility challenges.
  • This involves designing learning materials (e-learning materials) and platforms in a way that accommodates the diverse needs of learners.
  • To do so, the following key strategies can be adopted:
  • Provide alternative formats (e.g., text transcripts for videos, screen reader compatibility)
  • Incorporate assistive technologies (e.g., voice recognition software, screen readers), and
  • Adhere to accessibility standards (e.g., Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)).

Challenge 2: Lack of Student Engagement

Keeping learners engaged in an online environment is quite challenging due to:

  • Absence of physical connection
  • High possibility of distractions
  • Lack of face-to-face interactions
  • Passive learning experiences.

How to overcome?

  • To enhance student engagement, e-learning industries must use:
  • Creation of Interactive content and choosing the right tools
  • Efforts must be made to incorporate multimedia elements such as:
  • Videos
  • Simulations and Gamified Quizzes 
  • Additionally, active participation should be encouraged through discussion forums, group projects, and virtual classrooms.

Challenge 3: Abundance of Digital Learning Tools

As per recent reports, digital learning platforms are utilizing an extensive range of digital tools in educational settings to enhance learning experiences and support teaching practices.

The latest stats indicate that school districts used an average of 895 digital tools during the 2019–2020 school year. Additionally, a LearnPlatform report found that educators accessed an average of 42 tools during the same school year.

This abundance of digital learning tools becomes overwhelming for educators, which leads to confusion and inefficiency in implementation.

How to overcome?

  • The educators must take a strategic approach to selecting and integrating digital learning tools. 
  • They should start by identifying specific learning objectives and pedagogical needs, and then choose tools that align with these goals. 
  • The online e-learning platforms must provide training and support to educators and ensure that they are proficient in using the selected tools effectively.

Challenge 4: Internet Connectivity Issues

Limited internet connectivity, particularly in remote or underserved areas, usually hinders access to e-learning resources and Disrupts learning experiences

Studies and surveys have highlighted students' struggles, with reports indicating that millions of students, particularly those from lower-income households, suffer due to slow internet speeds, intermittent service, or outdated devices. 

How to overcome?

  • E-learning platforms should use adaptive technologies and provide offline learning options.
  • They should perform the following actions:
  • Use content caching, where frequently accessed resources are stored locally, to reduce reliance on real-time internet connectivity. 
  • Shift to low-bandwidth alternatives, such as text-based materials and downloadable resources. 
  • Collaborate with internet service providers and local communities to expand access to reliable internet connectivity.

Challenge 5: Poor Learning Experiences for Learners with Disabilities

Traditional text-based content poses challenges for learners with visual impairments or cognitive disabilities. Additionally, learners with disabilities require assistive technologies to access and interact with online course materials.

How to overcome?

  • For written content, the e-learning platforms must provide alternative formats such as:
  • Audio descriptions
  • Transcripts, captions for videos, and
  • Text-to-speech functionality 
  • Also, implement assistive technologies such as:
  • Screen readers
  • Magnification software
  • Speech recognition software

Challenge 6: Lower Student Engagement

In an online environment, most students face distractions from their home environment. Couple this with technology barriers and other commitments, it leads to decreased focus and motivation. 

How to overcome?

  • Try creating a sense of community and collaboration among learners through:
  • Social media platforms
  • Online forums
  • Group projects
  • Incorporate various interactive tools, like:
  • Videos
  • Animations
  • Quizzes
  • Assessments
  • Polls
  • Discussions
  • Implement a reward system to motivate students, via:
  • Gamified learning environments with points and levels or
  • Simple feedback mechanisms
  • Employ student-instructor strategies like:
  • Regular announcements
  • Email reminders
  • Grading rubrics
  • Setting course expectations

Challenge 7: Lack of Interpersonal Connections

The absence of face-to-face interaction in virtual classrooms diminishes opportunities for:

  • Spontaneous discussions
  • Real-time feedback
  • Interpersonal connections

How to overcome?

E-learning platforms should encourage online educators to build interpersonal connections in virtual classrooms. This could be done by implementing strategies such as:

  • Spider web discussions
  • Adapting think-pair-share to Zoom
  • Using show-and-tell activities like "think, write, share," 
  • Creating online forums for back-and-forth dialogue
  • Utilizing virtual collaboration boards like:
  • Nearpod collaborates and Flipgrid

Challenge 8: Passive Learning Experiences

In an online setting, traditional lecture-style formats do not effectively engage students and result in passive learning experiences. This leads to reduced retention of information and poor learning outcomes. 

How to overcome?

  • Promote active learning by using methods such as:
  • Polling
  • Think-pair-share
  • Group discussions
  • Minute papers, and
  • Gallery walks
  • Try establishing digital learning communities where students can interact, ask questions, and engage with peers.

Furthermore, the following icebreaker activities can be implemented to offer effective learning experiences for students:

Icebreaker Activities

  1. This or That: Participants choose between two options, allowing them to share preferences and initiate discussions.
  2. Two Truths and a Lie: Participants share two true statements and one false statement about themselves.
  3. Virtual Background Challenge: Participants showcase creative virtual backgrounds and spark conversations
  4. Mood Meter Check-In: Start each class by inviting learners to check in with their current mood using emojis or text
  5. Collaborative Brainstorming Session: Encourage learners to brainstorm ideas individually and then share them on a virtual whiteboard
  6. Virtual Scavenger Hunt: Organize a scavenger hunt where participants find items in their homes and share them with the class

Challenge 9: Limitations of Learning Management Systems (LMS)

LMS platforms serve as central hubs for:

  • Managing online courses
  • Organizing content
  • Facilitating communication
  • Tracking learner progress

They offer features such as course creation, assessment tools, discussion forums, and analytics. While LMS platforms provide essential functionalities for course delivery and management, they have limitations in terms of:

  • Customization
  • Scalability
  • User experience

Also, some LMS platforms lack advanced features for interactive learning experiences.

How to overcome?

To address the limitations of Learning Management Systems (LMS), educators can adopt the following strategies:

  • Using Customization Options
  • While some LMS platforms have limited customization options, others offer more flexibility. 
  • Educators should explore customization features within their LMS, such as customizable templates, themes, and layouts.
  • This way, they can:
  • Personalize the learning environment 
  • Align it with specific pedagogical approaches
  • Scalability and Performance Optimization
  • To address scalability concerns, e-learning platforms can invest in:
  • Robust hosting infrastructure
  • Load balancing mechanisms
  • Caching strategies
  • This investment would ensure smooth operation and responsiveness, even during peak usage periods. 
  • User Experience Enhancements
  • Instructional designers must collaborate with educators and try to improve user experience by:
  • Streamlining navigation
  • Simplifying workflows 
  • Enhancing accessibility
  • The focus must be laid on implementing:
  • User-friendly design principles
  • Intuitive navigation structures
  • Responsive layouts

Challenge 10: Ignorance of Emerging Trends and New E-Learning Technologies

A failure to stay informed about emerging trends and new technologies poses significant challenges for educators, instructional designers, and the e-learning industry as a whole. This ignorance often leads to:

Let’s see these negative effects in detail:

Lack of Innovation:

Ignoring emerging trends in e-learning results in:

  • Stagnant teaching methods 
  • Outdated course content

Decreased Competitiveness:

E-learning platforms that fail to adopt emerging technologies lose competitiveness in the e-learning market. This happens as most learners seek out institutions offering: 

  • Cutting-edge learning experiences 
  • Technological advancements

Inadequate Preparation:

Ignorance of emerging trends hinders the ability of e-learning platforms to adapt to: 

  • Changing learner preferences
  • Technological advancements
  • Industry trends

How to Overcome?

  • Encourage educators and instructional designers to attend conferences, workshops, and online courses focused on emerging trends and new technologies in e-learning. 
  • Create dedicated in-house innovation hubs or centers that can serve as incubators for:
  • Testing new tools
  • Piloting innovative teaching methods 
  • Sharing best practices among educators
  • Invest in technology scanning and trend analysis initiatives to monitor developments in the e-learning industry.
  • Implement pilot projects to test the effectiveness of emerging technologies in real-world e-learning contexts. 
  • Encourage educators to experiment with the following:
  • New tools
  • Methodologies and Pedagogical Approaches

How to Choose the Best E-Learning Platforms?

Choosing the right e-learning platform is crucial for delivering effective online education. Different platforms offer different things:

  • Features
  • Usability
  • Scalability

Let's conduct a comparative analysis of popular e-learning platforms across different categories:

Category I: Open-Source vs. Proprietary LMS Comparison

1. Platform: Moodle


  • Moodle is an open-source Learning Management System (LMS).
  • It is widely known for its flexibility and customization options. 
  • It offers a wide range of features, including:
  • Course management
  • Assessment tools
  • Collaboration tools
  • Integration with third-party plugins


  • While Moodle provides extensive customization options, it requires technical expertise for setup and maintenance.
  • Additionally, user interface design and user experience may vary depending on the customization level.

2. Platform: Canvas


  • Canvas is a proprietary LMS designed for ease of use and scalability. 
  • It offers intuitive course design tools and interactive features, such as
  • Discussion boards
  • Quizzes
  • Analytics for tracking learner progress


  • Despite its user-friendly interface, Canvas has limitations in terms of customization compared to open-source alternatives like Moodle. 
  • Additionally, licensing fees and ongoing costs are usually a concern for institutions with budget constraints.

Category II: Video Conferencing Platforms for Virtual Classrooms

1. Platform: Zoom


  • Zoom is a popular video conferencing platform known for its:
  • Ease of use 
  • Reliability
  • It offers extensive features, such as:
  • HD video and audio
  • Screen sharing
  • Breakout rooms
  • Recording capabilities


  • While Zoom offers a seamless user experience for virtual meetings and webinars, it lacks integrated features for course management and collaboration.
  • It requires additional tools or platforms for comprehensive e-learning solutions.

2. Platform: Microsoft Teams


  • Microsoft Teams is a collaboration platform that integrates:
  • Video conferencing
  • Chat
  • File sharing
  • Project management functionalities
  • It offers seamless integration with other Microsoft Office applications.


  • While Microsoft Teams provides comprehensive collaboration tools, it has a steeper learning curve for users unfamiliar with the Microsoft ecosystem.
  • Additionally, customization options for educational purposes are limited compared to dedicated e-learning platforms.

Category III: MOOC Platforms for Online Course Delivery

1. Platform: Udemy


  • Udemy is a marketplace for online courses created by instructors worldwide.
  • It offers a wide range of courses across various subjects.
  • The Udemy courses have flexible pricing options and lifetime access to course materials.


  • While Udemy provides a diverse selection of courses, quality control and consistency vary depending on the instructor. 
  • Additionally, Udemy courses are self-paced, which require additional self-discipline and motivation from learners.

2. Platform: Coursera


  • Coursera is a platform offering Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) created by universities and educational institutions. 
  • It provides structured courses with:
  • Video lectures
  • Quizzes
  • Assignments
  • Peer-reviewed assessments.


  • While Coursera offers high-quality courses from reputable institutions, access to certain features, such as graded assignments and certificates, requires a paid subscription.
  • Additionally, the structured nature of Coursera courses is less flexible for self-paced learning compared to Udemy.

How E-learning Platforms Can Transition Learners from Traditional to Remote Learning?

Adapting to remote learning environments presents unique challenges for educators, students, and even e-learning institutions. However, with careful planning and proactive strategies, the transition to remote learning can be successful. Let's explore some best practices and tips for a smooth transition:

  • Offer training to educators so that they can familiarize themselves with online teaching:
  • Tools
  • Platforms
  • Pedagogical strategies.
  • Provide technical support and resources for students 
  • Communicate regularly with students to provide updates and address their concerns. 
  • Use data analytics tools to monitor:
  • Student progress
  • Engagement, and
  • Performance 
  • Collect feedback from students and gather insights into their learning experiences and challenges. 


So, what's the verdict on e-learning in 2024? Well, it's a bit of a mixed bag, but one thing's for sure: online education is booming. From helping students learn at their own pace to connecting them with top-notch educators worldwide, e-learning has truly revolutionized how we learn.

But let's not ignore the elephant in the room: challenges.

Yep, they're there. From technical glitches to feeling like you're studying in a vacuum, there are hurdles to clear. But fear not! We've explored the top 10 e-learning challenges and even laid out some nifty solutions.

Whether it's making courses more accessible or jazzing up online classes with interactive content, there's a solution for every roadblock. And guess what? The future looks bright. With technology evolving faster than ever, there are endless opportunities to make e-learning even better.

Why Use Calibr.AI?

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Use it to effortlessly craft impactful learning experiences in mere minutes. Also, try out Calibr LXP, our innovative learning experience platform designed to enhance learning outcomes. 

Why wait? Experience the future of e-learning today. Sign up for free and unleash your creativity with Calibr.AI.

Sanju Kumari

Sanju has a wealth of experience and expertise in instructional design, bringing innovative ideas and a fresh perspective to e-learning content development. She is passionate about merging technology and creativity for dynamic e-learning. Her passion for creating engaging and effective learning experiences aligns perfectly with Calibr's commitment to excellence. She also enjoys writing about e-learning trends in the corporate world.