Employee Fraternization Policy

1. Introduction

[Company Name] policy emphasizes the importance of a respectful and professional work environment. It sets forth specific guidelines regarding personal relationships among employees to avoid conflicts of interest and ensure a harmonious workplace.

1.1. Core Principle

  • Employees are required to uphold a professional demeanor consistently. 
  • It is essential for employees to inform HR about any amorous relationships to prevent potential conflicts of interest. 
  • This policy is designed to guarantee that every employee is treated with equality and fairness, irrespective of their personal relationships. 
  • Additionally, all interactions must be conducted with respect and should not interfere with the workplace environment.

1.2. Scope

This policy is applicable to every employee within the organization, irrespective of their role or department. It encompasses all forms of personal relationships that may occur within the workplace, including both friendships and amorous connections.

1.3. Purpose

This policy aims to:

  • Ensure that personal relationships do not disrupt work responsibilities.
  • Maintain a professional and respectful environment for all employees.
  • Prevent potential conflicts of interest stemming from personal relationships.

2. Objectives

2.1. Clarity

To provide clear guidelines for acceptable and unacceptable behavior comprising personal relationships.

Examples of acceptable and unacceptable behaviors are:

Acceptable Behaviour:

  • Keeping boundaries to ensure that personal and professional responsibilities do not affect work-related responsibilities
  • Being transparent by disclosing a relationship that could lead to a conflict of interest with HR or supervisor.
  • Being professional and treating employees as equals, instead of with bias.

Unacceptable Behaviour:

  • Practicing favoritism by giving preferential treatment due to personal relations.
  • Breaching confidentiality by disclosing sensitive and confidential information.
  • Making decisions that benefit personal relations over the interest of the company and its employees.
  • Engaging in public displays of affection is unprofessional conduct.

2.2. Prevention

To prevent any favoritism and conflict of interest that may arise from personal relationships.

2.3. Support

To offer support and guidance to employees managing personal relations and work.

2.4. Compliance

To ensure compliance with company policies and legal requirements.

3. Prohibited Relationships

Amorous relationships between managers and their direct reports are not allowed. Additionally, any relationships that occur between employees separated by two levels of management are also forbidden.

For example, if a team leader supervises an employee, that team leader cannot engage in an amorous relationship with that employee. Moreover, if a department manager oversees a supervisor, that manager cannot pursue an amorous relationship with that supervisor’s direct report.

4. Disclosure Requirements

  • Employees are required to inform HR about any amorous involvement with a coworker.
  • Not disclosing such relationships can lead to disciplinary measures.
  • Disclosure will be kept confidential if required.
  • Following up with HR about the disclosure is advised.
  • The disclosure will be documented.

5. Conduct

5.1. Professionalism

Employees in an amorous relationship are expected to uphold a high standard of professionalism during work hours and work settings.

5.2. Separation of personal and professional life

Personal matters should be kept separate from professional responsibilities. They must ensure that the relationship does not affect their work performance and the performance of their colleagues.

5.3. Conflict of interest

Employees should be mindful of conflicts of interest. If there is a conflict of interest then HR needs to be notified immediately to determine appropriate action.

Examples of appropriate actions are:

  • Transparency and disclosure of the relationship to all relevant parties to ensure transparency and mitigate bias.
  • Reassignment of duties of one or both employees.
  • Recusal of decision-making in case of conflict of interest to maintain objective decision-making.
  • In severe cases of conflict of interest, there could be disciplinary actions, including upto employment termination.

5.4 Confidentiality and Discretion

Employees are required to maintain their relationship confidential and practice discretion so as not to affect the workplace environment.


  • Dating a subordinate or supervisor could lead to biased decision-making.
  • Nepotism is when someone is hiring or promoting one's family.

5.5. Workplace Behavior

Employees must not show favoritism, bias, and unprofessional behavior. This includes public displays of affection, preferential treatment, or any actions that could disrupt the work environment.

6. Consequences

  • Verbal and written warnings to inform that their actions are not in line with the company policy and need to be corrected.
  • Mandatory counseling or training to better understand the policy.
  • Reassignment or transfer to a different department, for one or both employees to avoid conflict of interest, for example, an amorous relationship between a subordinate and supervisor working in the same department that could lead to bias.
  • Suspension may be required in cases of serious infractions for a period from work, maybe to perform further investigations.
  • If violations involve a manager or supervisor then demotion may be necessary to prevent favoritism or bias.
  • For severe infractions or repeated minor ones, one or both employees in the relationship may be terminated.
  • In cases when there is a violation in legal issues then the company may take legal action against employees or employees.

7. Reporting Violations

Employees are encouraged to report violations of this policy to HR. All reports will be handled with confidentiality and discretion and investigated properly.