Microaggressions In The Workplace Quiz With Answers

5 Apr 2024
11 min read
Microaggressions In The Workplace Quiz With Answers

Are you eager to deepen your understanding of subtle biases and their profound impact on professional environments? Our microaggressions in the workplace quiz are meticulously crafted to challenge and enlighten you about the nuanced ways in which everyday interactions can unintentionally marginalize or demean colleagues.

microaggression burnout in the workplace

According to research, 68% of Americans say microaggressions are a serious workplace problem and 64% of women have faced gender-based microaggressions at work. The impact of microaggressions extends beyond momentary discomfort, significantly affecting an individual's mental health and engagement at work over time.

In today's diverse workplaces, recognizing and addressing microaggressions is crucial for fostering an inclusive atmosphere where every individual feels valued and respected. This quiz aims not only to raise awareness but also to empower you with insights that can lead to meaningful change within your workplace culture. Join us on this journey to uncover and confront these often-overlooked barriers to equity and collaboration.

Quiz: Understanding Microaggressions In The Workplace

microaggression quiz

This quiz is designed to test your knowledge about microaggressions in the workplace. It includes a mix of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) and true/false statements.

Select the best answer for each question.

1. What is a microaggression?

A) A small conflict between employees 

B) A deliberate insult towards a coworker 

C) A subtle or indirect discrimination against a member of a marginalized group 

D) A policy that discriminates against certain groups 

Answer: C

2. True or False: Microaggressions are always intentional. 

Answer: False

3. Which of the following is an example of a microaggression? 

A) Asking a coworker for help on a project 

B) Telling a coworker they speak English well 

C) Offering a coworker a ride home 

D) Complimenting a coworker's outfit 

Answer: B

4. True or False: Microaggressions can occur based on someone's gender. 

Answer: True

5. What impact can microaggressions have in the workplace? 

A) Increase in productivity 

B) No impact at all 

C) Decrease in team morale and employee engagement 

D) Improved employee relationships 

Answer: C

6. True or False: Only major acts of discrimination count as microaggressions. 

Answer: False

7. How can workplaces address microaggressions? 

A) Ignoring them 

B) Encouraging open discussions about diversity and inclusion 

C) Discouraging employees from speaking up 

D) Only addressing major incidents 

Answer: B

8. True or False: Acknowledging and learning from microaggressions can improve workplace culture. 

Answer: True

9. Which of the following statements is a microaggression? 

A) "You're very articulate for your age." 

B) "Thank you for submitting your report on time." 

C) "I appreciate your innovative idea." 

D) "Let's work together on this project." 

Answer: A

10. True or False: Microaggressions only affect the individual who is directly targeted. 

Answer: False

11. Recognizing microaggressions is the responsibility of: 

A) HR only 

B) Senior management only 

C) Every employee 

D) External consultants 

Answer: C

12. True or False: Microaggressions are a legal issue and can be easily litigated. 

Answer: False

13. Which of these is NOT a common type of microaggression? 

A) Comments about someone's ability based on their age 

B) Expressing surprise at a coworker's technical skills based on their gender 

C) Asking a person of color where they are "really" from 

D) Asking for feedback during a meeting 

Answer: D

14. True or False: Microaggressions are a form of bullying. 

Answer: True

15. An effective way to reduce microaggressions is to: 

A) Avoid discussing diversity and inclusion 

B) Promote awareness and education on the topic 

C) Only hire people from similar backgrounds 

D) Encourage people to keep their feelings to themselves 

Answer: B

16. True or False: Only minority groups can experience microaggressions. 

Answer: False

17. Microaggressions can be related to: 

A) Race 

B) Gender 

C) Sexual orientation 

D) All of the above 

Answer: D

18. True or False: If the person committing a microaggression didn't mean to offend, then it isn't considered a microaggression. 

Answer: False

19. The best response to recognizing you've committed a microaggression is to: 

A) Ignore it and move on 

B) Blame the person for being too sensitive 

C) Apologize and seek to understand how to avoid it in the future 

D) Deny it happened 

Answer: C

20. True or False: Regular training on diversity and inclusion can help reduce the occurrence of microaggressions in the workplace. 

Answer: True

Case Study Questions on Microaggressions in the Workplace

Case Study 1: The Mispronunciation Dilemma

mispronunciation bullying at workplace

Maria is a new employee at a tech company. Despite introducing herself multiple times, her manager consistently mispronounces her name, even joking that it's too difficult to remember. Maria feels disrespected and less valued, but she's unsure how to address the issue without causing conflict.


What should Maria do to address the mispronunciation of her name by her manager without escalating the situation?


Maria could request a private meeting with her manager to express how the mispronunciation makes her feel undervalued and to reiterate the correct pronunciation of her name. She might also offer helpful memory tricks or comparisons to common words that sound similar to her name. 

Maria needs to communicate her feelings calmly and clearly, emphasizing the importance of her name to her identity and professional presence.

Case Study 2: The "Just Joking" Incident

employees joking and making fun of a coworker

During a team meeting, Alex makes a joke about how women are not good at math, laughing it off as just a joke. Sarah, the only woman on the team and a data analyst, feels uncomfortable and demeaned by this comment but laughs along to not seem overly sensitive.


How should Sarah handle the situation where a coworker makes a gender-based derogatory joke?


Sarah might consider addressing the comment directly with Alex, explaining why the joke was offensive and how it perpetuates harmful stereotypes. If she does not feel comfortable doing this one-on-one, she could bring it up with her manager or HR to discuss it in a way that frames the issue as a learning opportunity for the team. 

Alternatively, Sarah could suggest a team workshop on diversity and inclusion to help all members understand the impact of such comments.

Case Study 3: The Assumption Error

employees assuming things and gossiping

Kevin, who is of Asian descent, is frequently complimented for his English skills by his colleagues, who assume English is his second language, although he was born and raised in the United States. These comments make Kevin feel like an outsider.


What steps can Kevin take to address his colleagues' assumptions about his language skills and background?


Kevin could choose a moment to share more about his background with his colleagues in casual conversation, highlighting his American upbringing. If the comments persist, Kevin might consider a more direct approach, explaining to his colleagues how their assumptions and compliments make him feel alienated and stereotyped.

Kevin could also suggest or request diversity training sessions for the team to increase awareness about stereotypes and their impact.

Case Study 4: The Invisible Disability

disabled coworker

Emily has a non-visible disability that requires occasional medical appointments during work hours. When she leaves for these appointments, she overhears a colleague muttering about her "taking extra breaks again." This has made her feel judged and hesitant to take her necessary medical leave.


How can Emily address the misconception about her "extra breaks" without disclosing her private medical information to all her colleagues?


Emily could speak with her manager or HR about the situation to clarify her need for medical appointments and how the comments have affected her. She could ask for their support in addressing the issue broadly, perhaps by reminding the team about respecting privacy and the variety of reasons behind absences or breaks, without specifically mentioning her condition. 

Emily's goal would be to foster a more understanding and respectful workplace culture without compromising her privacy.


addressing microaggressions in the workplace

Addressing microaggressions is a crucial step towards combating workplace harassment and ensuring workplace safety for all employees. The insights from these quizzes and case studies highlight the importance of recognizing, understanding, and acting against subtle biases that can undermine a culture of respect and inclusion.

Building a safe and supportive work environment is an ongoing process that demands continuous commitment to learning, open communication, and adaptability from every team member.

By confronting our biases, fostering open dialogues, and valuing diverse experiences and identities, we can create a foundation for workplace safety and prevent harassment. Let’s embrace our roles as proactive allies and champions for a workplace where respect, safety, and inclusion are paramount, ensuring everyone feels secure and appreciated.

Tanvi Arora

Tanvi is a Business Development Executive at Calibr. While primarily occupied with building our outbound sales funnel, she also enjoys writing about eLearning trends in the corporate world.