
Advanced Deep Learning with R

This book will help readers to apply deep learning algorithms in R using advanced examples. You will cover variants of neural network models such as ANN, CNN, RNN, LSTM, and more using expert techniques. Readers will make use of popular deep learning libraries such as Keras-R, Tensorflow-R, and more to implement AI models.

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About Book

Who Is This Book For?

This book is for data scientists, machine learning practitioners, deep learning researchers and AI enthusiasts who want to develop their skills and knowledge to implement deep learning techniques and algorithms using the power of R. A solid understanding of machine learning and working knowledge of the R programming language are required.

Book content

chapters 11h44m total length

Revisiting Deep Learning architecture and techniques

Deep Neural Networks for multiclass classification

Deep Neural Networks for regression

Image classification and recognition

Image classification using convolutional neural networks

Applying Autoencoder neural networks using Keras

Image classification for small data using transfer learning

Creating new images using generative adversarial networks

Deep network for text classification

Text classification using recurrent neural networks

Text classification using Long Short-Term Memory Network

Text classification using convolutional recurrent networks

Tips, tricks and the road ahead

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