
AI Blueprints

This book shows how to build intelligent applications to solve business needs. Several paradigms of AI are covered, including deep learning, natural language processing, planning, and logic programming. Each project is developed with a business goal in mind and care is taken to address deployment and evaluation issues. Dr. Joshua Eckroth focuses on realistic, useful, and state-of-the-art projects and techniques. He brings considerable industry and academic experience together in a book that is both educational and practical.

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Who Is This Book For?

Programming AI Business Applications provides an introduction to AI with real-world examples. This book can be read and understood by programmers and students without requiring previous AI experience. The projects in this book make use of Java and Python and several popular and state-of-the-art opensource AI libraries.

Book content

chapters 8h20m total length

The AI Workflow

Planning Cloud Infrastructure

Making Sense of Feedback

Recommending Products and Services

Detecting Your Logo in Social Media

Discovering Trends and Recognizing Anomalies

Understanding Queries and Generating Responses

Preparing for Your Future and Surviving the Hype Cycle

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