
ArcPy and ArcGIS - Geospatial Analysis with Python

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Who Is This Book For?

If you are a GIS student or professional who needs an understanding of how to use ArcPy to reduce repetitive tasks and perform analysis faster, this book is for you. It is also a valuable book for Python programmers who want to understand how to automate geospatial analyses.

Book content

chapters 7h28m total length

Introduction to Python for ArcGIS

Setting up the Python environment for ArcGIS automation

Creating the first Python Script using ArcGIS ModelBuilder

Creating a complex Arcpy script

Using Data Cursors to Search/Update/Insert attribute data

ArcPy Geometry Types and How to Use Them with DataCursors

Script Tools ? How to turn a Script into a Tool

Introduction to Arcpy.Mapping

More Arcpy.Mapping Techniques

Bringing it together ? Create a Script Tool that performsanalysis and exports out a map book

Advanced topics ? using Arcpy for Advanced Analysis

The End of the Beginning

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