
ASP.NET Core MVC 2.0 Cookbook

The Asp.Net Core 2.0 Framework has been designed to meet all the needs of today's web developers. It provides better control, support for test-driven development, and cleaner code. Moreover, it's lightweight and allows you to run apps on OSX and Linux, making it the most popular web framework with modern day developers.

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About Book

Who Is This Book For?

This book is written for the ASP.NET developer who wants to deliver professional-standard software, quickly and efficiently. It's filled with hands-on recipes, practical advice, and guidance to help developers with every aspect of the ASP.NET development cycle. Whether you've just started out or are a seasoned pro, the Asp.Net Core 2.0 Cookbook is written for you.

Book content

chapters 22h16m total length

Cross Platform with .NET Core

Visual Studio 2015, C# 6, IDEs and Roslyn

NPM, package managers and task runners

Reusing your code with Nuget

S.O.L.I.D principles, Inversion Of Control and Dependency Injection

Entity Framework Core

Micro-Orms, NoSQL and Azure Storage

Cache & Session: Distributed, Server & Client





ModelBinding, ViewModels & Validation

Razor & Views

TagHelpers & ViewComponents

OWIN & Middlewares


Front-end Development

Deployment & Hosting

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