
Dancing with Qubits

Quantum computing may change everything we know about computing. Dancing with Qubits is a quantum computing textbook that explains how quantum computing works in detail, and discusses the implications it has for computer applications of the future.

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About Book

Who Is This Book For?

Dancing with Qubits is a quantum computing textbook for those who want to deeply explore the inner workings of quantum computing. This entails some sophisticated mathematical exposition and is therefore best suited for those with a healthy interest in mathematics, physics, engineering, and computer science.

Book content

chapters 17h12m total length

Why Quantum Computing?

They're Not Old, They're Classics

More Numbers than You Can Imagine

Planes and Circles and Spheres, Oh My


What Do You Mean "Probably"?

One Qubit

Two Cubits, Three

Wiring Up the Circuits

From Circuits to Algorithms

Getting Physical

Questions about the Future

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