
Data Wrangling with R

Data Wrangling with R covers the most modern ways to make data ready for exploration or modeling in detail. The book covers libraries from the tidyverse package, such as tidyr, dplyr, ggplot2, and lubridate to help you prepare your data for analysis. You’ll also explore data visualization and modeling to create better graphics and projects with R.

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Who Is This Book For?

If you are a professional data analyst, data scientist, or beginner who wants to learn more about data wrangling, this book is for you. Familiarity with the basic concepts of R programming or any other object-oriented programming language will help you to grasp the concepts taught in this book. Data analysts looking to improve their data manipulation and visualization skills will also benefit immensely from this book.

Book content

chapters 12h48m total length

Fundamentals of Data Wrangling

Load & Explore Datasets

Basic Data Visualization

Working with Strings

Working with Numbers

Working with Date and Time objects

Transformations with Base R

Transformations with tidyverse libraries

Exploratory Data Analysis

Introduction to ggplot2

Enhanced Visualizations with ggplot2

Other Data Visualization Options

Build Your First Model

Build an Application with Shiny in R

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