
Ensemble Machine Learning Cookbook

This book uses a recipe-based approach to showcase the power of machine learning algorithms to build ensemble models using Python libraries. Through this book, you will be able to pick up the code, understand in depth how it works, execute and implement it efficiently. This will be a desk reference to implement a wide range of tasks and solve the common and uncommon problems in ensemble machine learning domain.

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About Book

Who Is This Book For?

This book is designed for data scientists, machine learning developers, and deep learning enthusiasts who want to delve into machine learning algorithms to build powerful ensemble models. Working knowledge of Python programming and basic statistics is a must to help you grasp the concepts in the book.

Book content

chapters 11h12m total length

Get Closer to Your Data with Exploratory Data Analysis

Getting Started with Ensemble Machine Learning

Resampling Methods

Statistical & Machine Learning Algorithms

Bag the Models with Bagging

When in Doubt, use Random Forest

Boost up Model Performance with Boosting

Blend it with Stacking

Homogeneous Ensemble for Hand-Written Digits Recognition

Heterogeneous Ensemble Classifiers for Credit Card Default Prediction

Heterogeneous Ensemble for Sentiment Analysis using NLP

Heterogeneous Ensemble for Multi-Label Classification for Text Categorization

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