
Firebase Cookbook

Tired enough thinking or even hearing about Backend Technologies, Authentication or even the tedious task of Deployment, Firebase is here to change the way YOU develop and make your app First citizen of the cloud. Firebase is here to change the way YOU develop and make your app first citizen of the cloud. In this book you will explore what makes Firebase different from any other backend services, even from self-created/hosted services.

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About Book

Who Is This Book For?

This book will assume you have at least a minimum set of skills in JavaScript, HTML and CSS. Also, having some familiarity with backend technologies will be helpful. After all we’re going to build a backend application that will change the way backend developer works.

Book content

chapters 9h36m total length

Firebase-Getting Started

Firebase Real Time Database

Files Management with Firebase Storage

Firebase Authentication

Securing Application flow with Firebase Rules

Progressive Applications powered by Firebase

Firebase Admin SDK

Extend Firebase with Cloud Functions

We’re done, let’s Deploy

Integrate Firebase with NativeScript

Integrate Firebase with Android/iOS Natively

Hack Application’s Growth

Add Analytics and Maximize Earrings

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