
Full-Stack Web Development with GraphQL and React

This guide to React and GraphQL will help developers working with web-based technologies put their knowledge to work. The book provides a hands-on approach to creating a full-stack application from scratch where you’ll learn how to work with databases, authenticate users, test your app, and deploy it to Amazon Web Services (AWS) using Docker.

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Who Is This Book For?

This React GraphQL book is for web developers familiar with React and GraphQL who want to enhance their skills and build full-stack applications using industry standards like React, Apollo, Node.js, and SQL at scale while learning to solve complex problems with GraphQL.

Book content

chapters 15h44m total length

Preparing Your Development Environment

Setting Up GraphQL with Express.js

Connecting to the Database

Hooking Apollo into React

Reusable React Components and React Hooks

Authentication with Apollo and React

Handling Image Uploads

Routing in React

Implementing Server-Side Rendering

Real-Time Subscriptions

Writing Tests for React and Node.js

Continuous Deployment with CircleCI and AWS

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