
Game Physics Cookbook

This book covers the three core components of a physics engine in great detail. By the end of the book, you will have implemented particle-based physics, rigid body physics and even soft body physics through cloth simulation. This cookbook aims to break the components of a physics engine down into bite-sized independent recipes.

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About Book

Who Is This Book For?

This book is for beginner to intermediate game developers. You don’t need to have a formal education in games—you can be a hobbyist or indie developer who started making games with Unity 3D.

Book content

chapters 16h total length



Matrix Transformations

2D Shapes

2D Collisions

2D Optimizations

3D Primitive Shapes

3D Point Tests

3D Shape Intersections

3D Line Intersections

Triangles and Meshes

Models and Scenes

Camera and Frustum

Constraint Solving

Manifolds and Impulses

Springs and Joints

Advanced Topics

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