
Hands-On JavaScript High Performance

Hands-On JavaScript High Performance is your practical guide to optimizing various pieces of web and JavaScript like DOM, classes, and workers with Node.js. By building complete projects, you'll learn about emerging technologies like WebAssembly, Service Workers, and Svelte.js to prepare yourself for writing optimized code and build faster apps.

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About Book

Who Is This Book For?

This JavaScript book is for web developers, C/C++ programmers, and anyone who wants to build robust web applications using advanced web technologies. This book assumes a good grasp of Vanilla JavaScript and an understanding of web development tools, such as Chrome Developer tools or Mozilla’s developer tools.

Book content

chapters 12h32m total length

Tools for High Performance on the Web

Immutability versus Mutability - The Balance between Safety and Speed

Vanilla Land - Looking at the Modern Web

Practical Example - A Look at Svelte and Being Vanilla

Switching Contexts - No DOM, Different Vanilla

Message Passing - Learning about the Different Types

Streams - Understanding Streams and Non-Blocking I/O

Data Formats - Looking at Different Data Types Other Than JSON

Practical Example - Building a Static Server

Workers - Learning about Dedicated and Shared Workers

Service Workers - Caching and Making Things Faster

Building and Deploying a Full Web Application

WebAssembly - A Brief Look into Native Code on the Web

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