
Hands-On Neural Network Programming with C#

This book will give you a complete walkthrough of the process of developing basic to advanced practical examples based on neural networks with C#. From simple perceptrons through GRU’s, you’ll learn to understand and implement these technologies using the concepts you’ve learned. Explore methods to optimize and adapt neural networks in real time.

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About Book

Who Is This Book For?

This book is for Machine Learning Engineers, Data Scientists, Deep Learning Aspirants and Data Analysts who are now looking to move into advanced machine learning and deep learning with C#. Prior knowledge of machine learning and working experience with C# programming is required to take most out of this book

Book content

chapters 10h56m total length

A Quick Refresher

Building our first Neural Network Together

Decision Tress and Random Forests

Face and Motion Detection

Training CNNs using ConvNetSharp

Training Autoencoders Using RNNSharp

Replacing Back Propagation with PSO

Function Optimizations; How and Why

Finding Optimal Parameters

Object Detection with TensorFlowSharp

Time Series Prediction and LSTM Using CNTK

GRUs Compared to LSTMs, RNNs, and Feedforward Networks

Appendix A- Activation Function Timings

Appendix B- Function Optimization Reference

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