
Hands-On Neural Networks with TensorFlow 2.0

This book is a guide to the TensorFlow (TF) framework, from the static graph architecture of TF 1.x to the eager execution and all the new features introduced in TF 2.0. Neural Networks applications are developed throughout the book with the aim of making the reader capable of developing neural networks-based solutions to real problems using TF 2.0

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Who Is This Book For?

If you're a developer who wants to get started with machine learning and TensorFlow, or a data scientist interested in developing neural network solutions in TF 2.0, this book is for you. Experienced machine learning engineers who want to master the new features of the TensorFlow framework will also find this book useful. Basic knowledge of calculus and a strong understanding of Python programming will help you grasp the topics covered in this book.

Book content

chapters 11h56m total length

What is Machine Learning?

Neural Networks and Deep Learning

TensorFlow Graph Architecture

TensorFlow 2.0 Architecture

Efficient Data Input Pipelines and Estimator API

Image Classification using TensorFlow Hub

Introduction to Object Detection

Semantic Segmentation and Custom Dataset Builder

Generative Adversarial Networks

Bringing a Model to Production

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