
Hands-On Time Series Analysis with R

This book introduces you to time series analysis and forecasting with R; this is one of the key fields in statistical programming and includes techniques for analyzing data to extract meaningful insights. You will explore methods, such as prediction with time series analysis, and identify the relationship between each data point in the series.

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Who Is This Book For?

Hands-On Time Series Analysis with R is ideal for data analysts, data scientists, and R developers looking to perform time-series analysis to predict outcomes effectively. Basic knowledge of statistics is required to understand the concepts covered in this book. Also, some experience in R will be helpful.

Book content

chapters 14h56m total length

Introduction to Time Series Analysis and R

Working with Date and Time Objects

The Time Series Object

Working with zoo and xts Objects

Decomposition of Time Series Data

Seasonality Analysis

Correlation Analysis

Forecasting Strategies

Forecasting with Linear Regression

Forecasting with Exponential Smoothing Models

Forecasting with ARIMA Models

Forecasting with Machine Learning Models

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