
High Performance with Laravel Octane

This book is for PHP/Laravel developers who are familiar with the fundamentals of the Laravel framework and want to design, develop, and release high-performance applications. The book highlights how Laravel Octane works, what steps to take in designing an application from the start, what tools you have at your disposal, and how to set up production environments.

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About Book

Who Is This Book For?

The book is for existing Laravel developers who want to improve their software architecture, from a basic or standard architecture to a more scalable and performant one. Basic knowledge of Laravel fundamentals is required.

Book content

chapters 6h48m total length

Understanding the Laravel Web Application Architecture

Configuring the RoadRunner Application Server

Configuring the Swoole Application Server

Building a Laravel Octane Application

Reducing Latency and Managing Data with an Asynchronous Approach

Using Queues to Apply the Asynchronous Approach in Your Application

Configuring the Laravel Octane Application for the Production Environment

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