
IPython Interactive Computing and Visualization Cookbook

IPython Interactive Computing and Visualization Cookbook, Second Edition shows you how to analyze and visualize data in the Jupyter Notebook. It will help you become an expert in high-performance computing and visualization for data analysis and scientific modeling.

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About Book

Who Is This Book For?

This book is intended for anyone interested in numerical computing and data science: students, researchers, teachers, engineers, analysts, and hobbyists. A basic knowledge of Python/NumPy is recommended. Some skills in mathematics will help you understand the theory behind the computational methods.

Book content

chapters 18h16m total length

A Tour of Interactive Computing with Jupyter and IPython

Best Practices in Interactive Computing

Mastering the Jupyter Notebook

Profiling and Optimization

High-Performance Computing

Data Visualization

Statistical Data Analysis

Machine Learning

Numerical Optimization

Signal Processing

Image and Audio Processing

Deterministic Dynamical Systems

Stochastic Dynamical Systems

Graphs, Geometry, and Geographic Information Systems

Symbolic and Numerical Mathematics

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