
JavaScript and JSON Essentials

JSON is an established and standard format used to exchange data. This book shows how JSON plays different roles in full web development through examples. By the end of this book, you'll have a new perspective on providing solutions for your applications and handling their complexities.

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Who Is This Book For?

If you’re a web developer with a basic understanding of JavaScript and want to write JSON data, integrate it with RESTful APIs to create faster and scalable applications, this book is for you.

Book content

chapters 7h32m total length

Getting Started with JSON

The JSON Structures

AJAX Requests with JSON

Cross-Domain Asynchronous Requests

Debugging JSON

Building the Carousel Application

Alternate Implementations of JSON

Configuring a Hapi.js server using JSON

Storing JSON Documents in mongoDB

Configuring the task runner using JSON

JSON for Real-Time and Distributed Data

Case Studies in JSON

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