
Learning YARN

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About Book

Who Is This Book For?

This book is intended for those who want to understand what YARN is and how to efficiently use it for the resource management of large clusters. For cluster administrators, this book gives a detailed explanation of provisioning and managing YARN clusters. If you are a Java developer or an open source contributor, this book will help you to drill down the YARN architecture, write your own YARN applications and understand the application execution phases. This book will also help big data engineers explore YARN integration with real-time analytics technologies such as Spark and Storm.

Book content

chapters 9h16m total length

Starting with YARN Basics

Setting up a Hadoop-YARN cluster

Administering Hadoop-YARN

Executing Applications on YARN

Understanding YARN components life cycle

Migrating from MRv1 to MRv2

Writing your own YARN Applications

Deep Dive into YARN components

Exploring YARN Rest Services

Scheduling YARN applications

Enable Security in YARN cluster

Real-time Data Analytics using YARN

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