
Machine Learning with R Cookbook

The R language is a powerful open source functional programming language. At its core, R is a statistical language that provides impressive tools to analyze data and create high-level graphics. This book covers the basics of R by setting up a user-friendly programming environment and programming ETL in R. Data exploration examples are provided that demonstrate how powerful data visualisation and machine learning is in discovering hidden relationships. You will also explore air quality data, steps to fix the missing values and visualising the same. You will then dive into important machine learning topics, including data classification, regression, survival analysis, time series analysis, clustering association rule mining, and dimension reduction.This book will include the latest code and examples based on R 3.3 and above—updated for better computation, accuracy, and speed with R.

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Who Is This Book For?

This book is for data science professionals, data analysts, or people who have used R for data analysis and machine learning who now wish to become the go-to person for machine learning with R. Those who wish to improve the efficiency of their machine learning models and need to work with different kinds of data set will find this book very insightful.

Book content

chapters 19h4m total length

Practical Machine Learning with R

Data Exploration with Air Quality Dataset

Analysing Time Series Data

R and Statistics

Understanding Regression Analysis

Survival Analysis

Classification (I) – Tree, Lazy, and Probabilistic

Classification (II) – Neural Network and SVM

Model Evaluation

Ensemble Learning


Association Analysis and Sequence Mining

Dimension Reduction

Big Data Analysis (R and Hadoop)

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