
Mastering CSS

Rich Finelli trains you in the fine points of CSS and the techniques you need to work in the world of responsive, feature-rich web applications. Based on his bestselling Mastering CSS training video, you can now learn with Rich Finelli in this book! So, here Rich shares with you his skills in creating advanced layouts, and the critical CSS insights you need for responsive web designs, fonts, transitions, animations, and for using flexbox.

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About Book

Who Is This Book For?

This book is for web designers who wish to master the best practices of CSS in their web projects. You already know how to work with a web page, and want to use CSS to master website presentation.

Book content

chapters 17h24m total length

CSS Foundations

Ramping Up

Creating a Page Layout with Floats

Creating Buttons with Modular, Reusable CSS Classes, and CSS3

Creating the Main Navigation and Drop-Down Menu

Becoming Responsive

Web Fonts

Workflow for HiDPI Devices

Flexbox, Part 1

Flexbox, Part 2

Wrapping Up

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